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Writer's pictureJennifer Heppell

Why you should be emailing customers.

Do you want your business to grow? Do you want to start getting new customers and repeat business? Then emailing your customer list is the best way to accomplish both of those goals. This may sound counterintuitive, but in reality, emailing your customer list is an extremely effective marketing strategy because it's cheap, easy and scalable. Here are some reasons why you should be emailing customers:

Emailing your customer list is a very effective and inexpensive way to get new business.

Email marketing can help you reach your customers in a personal way, without the high cost of traditional advertising methods. It's also easy to implement and maintain, especially if you have an email service provider (ESP) that manages most of the work for you. If you're comfortable doing it yourself using an ESP like MailChimp, or even just sending out emails on your own domain through Google Mail or Yahoo! Mail, there are many benefits to building relationships with your customers via email.

Better yet, emailing your customer list can help you build relationships over time so you have a steady stream of business.

Email marketing is a great way to build relationships over time so you have a steady stream of business. You can use email marketing to send out regular updates and newsletters, surveys and polls, or even coupons, promotions and discounts for your products or services.

The best thing about emailing your customer list is that it's an easy way to keep in touch with customers who already trust you. And if you send out interesting content on a regular basis (newsletters with useful tips), then those customers are more likely to come back for more.

More than half of people who have bought something from a company will click through and make another purchase.

It’s true: people who have bought something from you are more likely to buy from you again. And it's not just because they liked the product or service enough to make the purchase in the first place—it's also because they were exposed to your brand on a regular basis after that initial sale.

Email marketing gives you an opportunity to stay in touch with these customers, reminding them why they loved doing business with you and letting them know about new products and services that might interest them. It also helps build an ongoing relationship with current clients so they feel connected to your brand and want more from it.

People tend to do multiple searches before they buy, so being top of mind helps them choose your business.

People tend to do multiple searches before they buy. So if you want to be the first business that pops up when someone is ready to purchase, it's important that you're top of mind.

Being top of mind helps people choose your business over others because they've already been researching the products or services you offer. This means they're more likely to click on your ad or visit your website when they're ready to make a purchase.

Exceptional customer service drives repeat business and referrals.

Exceptional customer service drives repeat business and referrals, and it's the most effective way to build relationships with your customers.

You can’t be everywhere at once, but you can make every interaction between your company and your customers as pleasant as possible—and that’s why email is so important. Customers will always have questions—even if they aren't asking them out loud. Your job is to anticipate what these questions might be, and deliver answers quickly before they have a chance to contact you directly.

Even if someone doesn't purchase right away, they appreciate hearing from you and receiving valuable tips or information from you.

You should be emailing your customers.

Even if someone doesn't purchase right away, they appreciate hearing from you and receiving valuable tips or information from you. You can send them updates on new products being released, how to use your product in their own unique way and more.

You can even send them coupons for a discount on their next purchase! This is a great way to increase customer loyalty too because when people know that they're getting something of value from you, they'll want to buy from your store again. They'll feel like they're getting treated well as an individual customer instead of just being another number in the books (which no one wants).

If you want to get more customers and repeat business, take advantage of email marketing software to send emails to your customers on a regular basis.

If you want to get more customers and repeat business, take advantage of email marketing software to send emails to your customers on a regular basis. With email marketing software, you can create better relationships with your customers as well as get more referrals.

In order for any business to succeed in today’s competitive world, it needs loyal customers who will buy from them because they trust the company and feel like they have a relationship with it. Email marketing allows companies like yours become closer with their customers so that they feel connected and willing to return again and again (or at least consider purchasing from you before making other decisions).

It's also important that emails are sent at times when recipients are most likely going through their inboxes (usually mornings or evenings). The messages should be informative but brief enough not to overwhelm readers; they should include useful content such as tips or links back into your site where there may be additional information available about products/services offered by yourself along with discounts/promotions currently running which might interest potential buyers too!


Email marketing is a great way to build relationships with customers over time and drive more sales. It's also one of the most effective ways to get new customers, because each email will be seen by everyone who subscribes to your list. So if you're looking for new business or want to keep repeat customers coming back, start emailing them today!

And if all that sounds like too much work I happen to have a set up, and monthly newsletter package if you need some help! Send me a message and we can chat.


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